Massiva energyXT VSTi v1.18-TALiO
Massiva energyXT VSTi v1.18-TALiO
energyXT is a modular midi and audio environment VST plug-in that
can host VST plug-ins. It's main goal is to enable flexible MIDI
and audio patching between VST instruments and effects, but the
fun starts when you load up the chord and/or arpeggiator
component's into the MIDI chain. The master output can be recorded
live and saved to wav.
Whats new in version 1.18?
- Randomize (shuffle) notes, steps with Fill 1-100%,
octave +/1 3oct's and velocity
New multi-channel Audio Part comp
- Unlimited Parts
- Automatic MIDI to Part triggering. C1 plays part 1,
C#1 plays part 2 etc
- Each part can have unlimited Clips and virtual mixer
- Each Clip has sample start/end, coarse/fine tune,
volume with sav-ramp, pan and sample-rate compensation
- Each mixer channel has output assignment, volume, pan,
mute and solo
- Loads 16-bit mono/stereo wavs
- Mono/stereo transparent
- Alt+mouse split clip with quantize
- Copy/past clips
Other improvements
- Added Param dropdown list to the VST CC Map editor
- Note names instead of number on the Arpeggiator and
Chord comp