Native Instruments B4 v1.11 Includes Vintage Tonewheels Set - ZONE
The B4 is a VST-based tonewheel organ combo, completely capturing the sound of the classic B3 organ and rotating speaker. The B4 takes the popular tonewheel organ into new territory. Added flexibility in sound generation and seamless integration into the recording environment make this possibly
the best organ since the original.
- Features :
- 91 tonewheels.
- 9 drawbars per manual.
- 2 manuals and pedal keyboard.
- Scanner vibrato/chorus.
- Percussion on any harmonic.
- Keyclick (adjustable).
- Tube distortion sound.
- Rotary speaker.
- Many parameters for fine tuning the sound.
- Standalone capability.
- Audio input when used as an effects plug-in or standalone.
- News on this version :
- Snapshots and any buttons now are adjustable from the computer keyboard
- Plugin and stand alone application now consume dependend on your processor less CPU power.
- Plugin now consume less memory resources in RAM (specially when editor is closed and when more then one instances at the same time are opened)
- Undo (CTRL or APPLE + left mouse button) now works correctly
- Controller dump inaccuracy fixed.
(Read HTML file for more information).
- On this version the vsti will only receive controller data on the first 3 midi channels. The 1.0 version received data on all 16 channels. For instance, you put the controller data on channel 4 (as it is the case in the demo songs included on the B4 Retail CD). You will just have to switch the controller track to one of the first 3 channels (1-3).